KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE – The United Way of Greater Kingsport (UWGK) kicked off its 2019 Campaign in September of this year, setting an aggressive fundraising goal of $3.5 million. Today, November 19, 2019, they announced the campaign results and celebrated the community’s efforts in their attempt to reach this goal. The event was held at the Model City Event Center where guests gathered to hear keynote speaker, Jim Harlan.
The theme of the hour centered around generosity and expressing gratefulness to the efforts of the entire Greater Kingsport community. Mr. Harlan spoke on the importance of happiness and what creates happiness. Through storytelling, the audience learned about Moe and Joe. Moe, an individual of high expectations of others to cater to his needs lives a miserable life, while Joe looks for a chance to serve others and does what he can to take care of others. This makes Joe live a very happy life.
The 2019 campaign cabinet, joined by the Brian Miller, President of the Board of Directors, and Keith Parker, Vice-President of the Board of Directors, joined together to reveal the total amount of dollars raised in the Greater Kingsport Community thus far, totaling $3,150,276.74. This represents just over 90% of the annual goal of $3.5 million. “We have raised so much money, but I’m not one to stop until the end, so if you are interested in supporting us then please do!” said Michelle Bacon, 2019 campaign chair.” It is not too late to make a difference in our community.” Mayor Pat Shull also joined in on expressing his appreciation by way of a Letter of Commendation to Michelle Bacon for her outstanding efforts throughout the year.
Bacon also announced that Brent Mullins, Vice President and Branch Manager of Powell Valley National Bank will be leading the 2020 campaign for United Way through passing the ceremonial dollar to represent the new life to come in the future of United Way of Greater Kingsport.
The dollars raised by the UWGK stay in the Greater Kingsport community to improve the lives of over 1400 individuals on any given day. The many community champions who give, advocate, and volunteer with the United Way of Greater Kingsport fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community.
Individuals, companies, or organizations interested in learning more about United Way’s work or investing in the community through UWGK are encouraged to visit www.uwaykpt.org. Contributions may also be made directly to the organization by giving online at www.uwaykpt.org/give or mailing a check to “United Way of Greater Kingsport,” 301 Louis Street, Suite 201, Kingsport, TN 37660. Inquiries may be made by calling (423) 378-3409, ext. 14.
United Way of Greater Kingsport (UWGK) fights for the health, education,, and financial stability of every person in our community. UWGK’s mission is to improve lives. Our vision is a better life for all.