The United Way of Greater Kingsport is proud to support nonprofit Member Agencies who provide community impact that help us improve lives and create a better life for all by tackling root-cause issues throughout Greater Kingsport and the region.
Below is a full list of the agencies the United Way of Greater Kingsport supports. To learn more about these Member Agencies, their programs, and how they are helping the community, please visit our community impact pages: Helping Children & Youth Succeed, Promoting Self-Sufficiency, Ensuring Health, Safety and Stability, and Supporting Aging with Choices.
Do you represent one of our agencies?
Big Brothers Big Sisters of East TN - Community-Based & Site-Based Mentoring Program: $65,000
Provides at-risk children with friendship, guidance, and fun by uniting them with a caring adult mentor – their Big Brother or Big Sister.
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Kingsport - Formula For Impact : $143,345
Provides a safe environment helping teens realize their fullest potential by providing quality programs which enhance health, social, and educational development.
Boy Scouts of America, Sequoyah Council - Youth Development Program: $13,600
Teaches participants life-long skills and values so they can become responsible, caring, and productive adults as a result of the Scouting comprehensive methodology.
Girl Scout Council of the Southern Appalachians - Leadership Experience Program: $13,600
Provides a leadership model specifically designed to help girls develop 21st century leadership skills they need to be successful.
Girls Inc. of Kingsport - Core Program: $166,500
Provides facility based and outreach programs after school, after hours, off site and during the summer for girls ages 4-19 that enhance their educational, occupational, and physical development.
Holston Children & Youth Services (Frontier Health) - School Based Prevention Program: $35,400
Provides clinical services for at-risk students with academic, social, and/or behavioral problems; helps schools maintain safe, disciplined learning environments; and provides consultation for teachers and collaboration with counselors.
Kingsport Child Development Center - Sliding Fee Scale/Income-Based Childcare Program: $112,667
Provides quality childcare and pre-school services implementing developmentally-appropriate programs meeting the social, emotional, and educational needs of all children served at affordable rate for parents/guardians.
Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center - Equine-Assisted Positive Youth Development Program: $16,000
Enhances the lives of children and youth at-risk of not succeeding by developing character and life skills through a strength-based program utilizing unmounted, experiential equine-assisted activities and therapies.
Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center - Equine-Assisted Activities & Therapies Program: $20,000
Enhances the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth of individuals with special needs through both mounted and unmounted equine-assisted activities and therapies.
Sullivan County Imagination Library - Sullivan County Imagination Library Program: $22,000
Promotes early childhood reading through monthly mailings of free, age-appropriate books to registered children in our county who are between birth and age five.
Hope House - Fresh Start Program: $22,944
Offers support through walk-in services for pregnant women, new parents, and extended family members in our community who are in crisis concerning pregnancy, parenting, and providing basic needs for themselves and their young children.
Hope House - Restart Program: $22,500
Reaches out with love and support to moms and babies in our community with what they need to grow, succeed, and become self-sufficient.
Family Promise of Greater Kingsport (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) - Family Self-Sufficiency Program: $18,300
Enhances the lives of homeless in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia by providing families with children temporary shelter and assistance so they may become self-sufficient.
Literacy Council of Kingsport - Tutoring Program: $40,000
Helps adults and children improve their literacy skills and assists students in learning to speak and read English through one-on-one tutoring with trained volunteers.
Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center - Horses Empower Heroes Program: $9,500
Promotes the recover, stability and self-sufficiency of veterans by assisting with the transition from mere survival-mode into resiliency and hope through trauma-focused, relationship-rich, equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT)
American Red Cross of Northeast Tennessee - Disaster Cycle Services: $117,599
Serves people affected by disaster and continually strengthens its own capacity and the capacity of communities for disaster, response and recovery.
Appalachian Miles for Smiles - Mobile Dental Unit: $24,000
Provides quality dental care and eye examinations at no cost to uninsured residents of East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of East TN - Community-Based & Site-Based Mentoring Program: $65,000
Provides at-risk children with friendship, guidance, and fun by uniting them with a caring adult mentor – their Big Brother or Big Sister.
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Kingsport - Formula For Impact : $143,345
Provides a safe environment helping teens realize their fullest potential by providing quality programs which enhance health, social, and educational development.
Boy Scouts of America, Sequoyah Council - Youth Development Program: $13,600
Teaches participants life-long skills and values so they can become responsible, caring, and productive adults as a result of the Scouting comprehensive methodology.
CASA for Kids - Core Program: $48,500
Supports and promotes professionally-trained community volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children's best interest within the Juvenile Court and ensure safe and stable placements
Children’s Advocacy Center of Sullivan County - Counseling Program: $37,929
Provides trauma-focused treatment to the child victims of sexual abuse and severe physical abuse in a child-friendly environment that focuses on the well-being of the child.
Children’s Advocacy Center of Sullivan County - Victim Services Program: $10,000
Provides counseling and assistance to the non-offending parents or caregivers of victims.
Family Promise of Greater Kingsport (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) - Family Self-Sufficiency Program: $18,300
Enhances the lives of homeless in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia by providing families with children temporary shelter and assistance so they may become self-sufficient.
First Tennessee Human Resource Agency - Personal Support Service Program: $20,500
Promotes self-sufficiency and prevents institutional placement by providing cost-effective in-home care for individuals in threat of harm due to abuse or neglect.
Friends in Need Health Center - Dental Services Program: $62,000
Provides affordable dental care to the working uninsured of the Greater Kingsport area.
Friends in Need Health Center - Medical Services Program: $24,000
Provides affordable medical care to the working uninsured of the Greater Kingsport area.
Girl Scout Council of the Southern Appalachians - Leadership Experience Program: $13,600
Provides a leadership model specifically designed to help girls develop 21st century leadership skills they need to be successful.
Girls Inc. of Kingsport - Core Program: $166,500
Provides facility based and outreach programs after school, after hours, off site and during the summer for girls ages 4-19 that enhance their educational, occupational, and physical development.
Holston Children & Youth Services (Frontier Health) - School Based Prevention Program: $35,400
Provides clinical services for at-risk students with academic, social, and/or behavioral problems; helps schools maintain safe, disciplined learning environments; and provides consultation for teachers and collaboration with counselors.
Holston Counseling (Frontier Health) - Substance Abuse Counseling Program: $57,738
Provides services to individuals who are experiencing interpersonal, family, employment, or legal difficulties due to substance abuse or dependence.
Kingsport Child Development Center - Sliding Fee Scale/Income-Based Childcare Program: $112,667
Provides quality childcare and pre-school services implementing developmentally-appropriate programs meeting the social, emotional, and educational needs of all children served at affordable rate for parents/guardians.
Legal Aid of East Tennessee - Kingsport Domestic Violence Program: $17,500
Provides family safety and stability for victims of domestic violence through court orders.
Link House (Frontier Health) - Core Program: $41,855
Provides food, shelter, crisis intervention, diagnostic, and evaluation services as well as counseling to adolescents who are neglected, abused, runaway, unruly, or delinquent.
Literacy Council of Kingsport - Tutoring Program: $40,000
Helps adults and children improve their literacy skills and assists students in learning to speak and read English through one-on-one tutoring with trained volunteers.
Meals on Wheels of Kingsport - Core Program: $120,000
Provides hot nutritious meals and human contact to isolated, incapacitated senior citizens and, if appropriate, other home-bound, disabled persons to facilitate safe independent living.
Mountain Region Speech & Hearing Center - Speech-Language Scholarship Program: $65,000
Provides diagnosis and treatment of speech, language, feeding, and hearing disorders to provide the highest quality care for treatment of speech, language, and hearing disorders regardless of the client’s ability to pay.
SAFE House (Frontier Health) - Domestic Violence Shelter Program: $61,350
Provides a temporary shelter for victims of domestic violence and their dependent children. The shelter is open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Other services include information and referral for victims via the 24-hour crisis line, transportation, advocacy, follow-up services, and community education.
The Salvation Army - Emergency Shelter Program: $33,673
Provides lodging, meals, personal hygiene items, clothing, counseling, job placement, financial planning, and survival skills as well as long-term care to assist individuals/families in becoming self-sufficient.
The Salvation Army - Social Services Program: $67,000
Provides basic human needs - clothing, food, rent, mortgage, utilities, and medicine - without discrimination.
First Tennessee Human Resource Agency - Personal Support Service Program: $20,500
Promotes self-sufficiency and prevents institutional placement by providing cost-effective in-home care for individuals in threat of harm due to abuse or neglect.
Meals on Wheels of Kingsport - Core Program: $120,000
Provides hot nutritious meals and human contact to isolated, incapacitated senior citizens and, if appropriate, other home-bound, disabled persons to facilitate safe independent living.
AveNew- Youth drug education and prevention coalition working to create a healthy and safe community that is free of substance misuse.
Community Ambassadors- a network of volunteers from across the greater Kingsport area with the goal of welcoming newcomers of color and multicultural families and greeting them with an extra layer of hospitality.
Kingsport Homeless Coalition- a coordinating effort of public, private, non-profit, and faith based agencies working together on a compassionate plan to serve the homeless population of the Greater Kingsport area by maximizing resources and minimizing redundancy of services.
United WE READ- Initiative that aims to engage, empower, and equip all children, families, and the Greater Kingsport community with the tools and strategies that build a literacy-rich culture, and a pathway to lifelong success.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)- An IRS initiative designed to support free tax preparation service for the underserved through various partner organizations.