Our Goals:
Individuals have and utilize fundamental life skills to achieve independence in daily living and become productive members of society.
Individuals gain and maintain employment.
Employers have access to an appropriately educated, accountable, and dependable workforce.
Individuals have access to transportation that is affordable, readily available, and easily accessible.
Individuals have the opportunity to gain secure, safe, and affordable housing.
Kingsport Homeless Coalition is the result of a common vision shared by the United Way of Greater Kingsport (UWGK), the City of Kingsport and over 25 area partners that offers a well-resourced path to self sufficiency for individuals experiencing homelessness
To learn more visit uwaykpt.org/homeless
2024 Member Agency Programs
Hope House - Fresh Start Program: $22,944
Offers support through walk-in services for pregnant women, new parents, and extended family members in our community who are in crisis concerning pregnancy, parenting, and providing basic needs for themselves and their young children.
Hope House - Restart Program: $22,500
Reaches out with love and support to moms and babies in our community with what they need to grow, succeed, and become self-sufficient.
Family Promise of Greater Kingsport (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) - Family Self-Sufficiency Program: $18,300
Enhances the lives of homeless in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia by providing families with children temporary shelter and assistance so they may become self-sufficient.
Literacy Council of Kingsport - Tutoring Program: $ 40,000
Helps adults and children improve their literacy skills and assists students in learning to speak and read English through one-on-one tutoring with trained volunteers.
Small Miracles Therapeutic Equestrian Center - Horses Empower Heroes Program: $9,500
Promotes the recover, stability and self-sufficiency of veterans by assisting with the transition from mere survival-mode into resiliency and hope through trauma-focused, relationship-rich, equine-assisted activites and therapies (EAAT)